Student Games in Armenia

Student Games in Armenia

On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the formation of the Armenian Armed Forces, from March to May 2012, the 13th Student Spring Sports Games took place. In the scope of this program, 928 athletes from 19 state and licensed universities in chess, table tennis, swimming, volleyball and mini football took part in that event.


The competitions were well organized, focused in fairness and competitive struggle. The competitions were mainly organized in the capital’s and Hayastan NGO’s sports structures. Moreover, these competitions promote to the activation and improvements of the physical training and activities of the sports clubs of the different Institutions. The games were supervised by 200 referees and also got the media attention.



Yerevan State University, State Engineering University of Armenia, Armenian State Pedagogical University and Yerevan State Medical University had an active participation in the games. Moreover, there were 10 teams from each University in all matches. In addition, there were 9 teams from the Armenian State Agrarian University and 8 teams from the Armenian State University of Economics. American University of Armenia and Yerevan Northern University participated in the games with only one team each. 


Based on the Rules of Procedure, the teams, which took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, were awarded the Certificates from the RA Student Sports Federation and Championship’s cups. Besides, the members of teams and the trainers, as well as sportsmen who won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were awarded certificates and medals. Overall, 9 winners’ cups and 222 medals were given to the participants; 74 gold medals, silver and bronze. Teams and sportsmen from 12 different universities won the cups and medals. 


Within the scope of the same program, in October and November the final competitions will be held in basketball (men and women) and handball (men).

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