St.Gallen to host EUSA Orienteering in 2023

St.Gallen to host EUSA Orienteering in 2023

The city of St.Gallen, in Switzerland, will be the host of the European Universities Championship in Orienteering, taking place from 24-27 of August.

An inspection visit was organised from 5-7 of November, where EUSA Technical Delegate for Orienteering Mr Dusan Vystavel, visited St.Gallen, to check the ongoing preparations.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, present during the inspection visit were,  Mr Daniel Studer, Mr Gerald Peichl, Mr Jurg Hellmuller and Mr Bollhalder Teufen.

TD for Orienteering Mr Dusan Vystavel with Mr Jürg Hellmüller

The inspection visit was consisted of various sports venues visits, discussions about the program and visit of the University of St.Gallen, as well as visits of the places designated for the Opening and Closing ceremony, accommodation and catering area.

The Inspection Visit team also had a chance to meet the National Technical Delegate for Orienteering, as well as the Timekeeping team. A meeting with the Media Officer, responsible for promotion of the event, was also held.

Mr Dusan Vystavel with Mr Daniel Studer

EUSA Technical Delegate, thank the OC for the hospitality and congratulated them on the great preparations so far, highlighting that the organizers are planning to organize a technically demanding championship with a very good student atmosphere, giving a strong accent to the ecological principles.

For more information about the European Universities Championship in Orienterring, please see 

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