Sports for students with disabilities

Sports for students with disabilities

After a successful first edition in Orléans in 2013, the second edition of the seminar ‘Handi-U’ regarding disabled sports was organised by the French University Sport Federation (FFSU) on January 14 and 15, 2014. Two days of training jointly hosted by FFSU and its regional member CRSU Nancy-Metz were held on the site of the sports research center CREPS Lorraine. Due to the national commitment to improve access to sports for students with disabilities and create a real Handi-U solidarity and active community, nine participants (regional directors and civil servants appointed to the ‘Handi-U’ project) took part in this training which aimed to inform and train in staging specific projects regarding disabled sport in Lorraine.


With the professional speakers and active members of the CMR Handi-U committee created in Lorraine, the course enabled participants to exchange ideas around the theme ‘disabled sport’ both in theoretic and active sessions of ‘adapted’ sports disciplines such as ergometer rowing, table tennis, wheelchair basketball and torball.

Above all, a new dynamic has been installed in the Handi-U project of the FFSU, thanks to the networking of the participants. The common will now depends firstly on improving and sustaining activities for students with disabilities, and secondly on strengthening the training of managers in the field. According to the participants themselves, the work environment and the contents were well adapted to their expectations and interactivity was the keyword throughout these two days.

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