Sport Employs YOUrope call for action

Sport Employs YOUrope call for action

EUSA is a partner in the youth employability project called Sport Employs YOUrope. We call for action in helping to gather data by taking part in the survey, inviting you to apply to take part in the seminar and help us promote the project and the call by sharing the information.


The short online questionnaire will help the partners to get some feedback and information about the perception and experience regarding employability and employment in the sport sector, with emphasis on youth participation and involvement. The (extended) deadline in which you can contribute is September 15, 2014.


The seminar “Sport Employs YOUrope - Recognise non formal education in sport to fight youth unemployment” will be held in Rome, Italy between October 1-5, 2014. It is prepared with the focus on for youth leaders, youth workers and yound people not in education, in employment in training. The deadline to apply is September 4, 2014.


The project is funded by the EU through the Youth in Action Programme and is being implemented by ENGSO Youth – Youth of European Non-Governmental Youth Organization, EUSA – European University Sport Association, ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association, NOC Serbia – National Olympic Committee of Serbia, Career Center Inventive, AICEM – Associazione Italiana Cooperazione Europa Mondo and associated partners EOSE – European Observatoire of Sport and Employment, ANESTAP - Association nationale des étudiants en STAPS and other partners.


For more information, please see our Sport Employs YOUrope page or ENGSO Youth project page.

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