Shenzhen Summer Universiade closes

Shenzhen Summer Universiade closes

On August 23rd, the 26th Summer Universiade held in Shenzhen, China concluded with the official Closing Ceremony. The event was held at the theme park ‘Window of the World’, with a unique carnival. The cultural and entertainment programme concluded by the flag-passing ceremony to the representatives of the Kazan 2013 Summer Universiade.


‘Now that we’re coming to the end of the Universiade, the doors will stay open in Shenzhen, China. The flame will not fade away and is passed on to Kazan’, Mr Gallien, the new President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) announced at a press conference a day prior  to the closing. ‘The hearth of youth, the hearth of FISU is beating and beating and beating in unison for stability, sustainability, wealth and peace in a better world’, Mr. Gallien ended his speech.

FISU President Mr Gallien


Shenzhen Universiade was a ground-breaking one. Over 10,600 participants from 151 countries, representing over 7,100 athletes and 3,400 officials took part in this year's edition of the largest university sport event in the world. The organisers prepared competitions in 24 sports in mostly new facilities, offering top conditions, and a total of 306 sets of medals were awarded. The competitions were carried out in front of numerous audience who could enjoy top performance of the student athletes from around the world. With over 250,000 volunteers and staff helping out in the organisation, full backup from the city and the country, it was no surprise that the event was a success.


Apart from the sports competitions, FISU Conference was organised during the Universiade with the theme University Sport: From Culture of the "How" to Culture of the "Why", in cooperation of FISU, AIPS and the local organising committee, the Young Reporters Program was carried out, and several cultural and social activities were organised during the games as well.

Top new facilities, erected for the universiade

Although the host country China was the most successful one in terms of medals won (145 altogether), European countries and federations - members of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) were very successful in Shenzhen as well. Out of the current 43 member associations, only two countries were not able to be present at this year's Summer University Games, and 31 of them achieved at least one medal.


Flags of the participating countries


The next Universiades will be held in Maribor, Slovenia (Winter Universiade) and Kazan, Russia (Summer Universiade). For more information about the past Shenzhen Universiade, please see and

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