September EUSA meetings in Ljubljana

September EUSA meetings in Ljubljana

End of September, several important meetings were held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, home of the office of the European University Sports Association (EUSA). These included EUSA meeting the President of Serbian NUSA, President of the European Olympic Committees, Mayor of Ljubljana and the new Rector of the University of Ljubljana.

On Wednesday, September 27, 2017, EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik met with the President of University Sports Federation of Serbia (USSS), Mr Sinisa Jasnic. The meeting was held on the occasion of Grand Opening of the Intercontinental Hotel, the first five-star hotel in Ljubljana.

EUSA Secretary General and USSS President with the Mayor of Ljubljana

Mr Pecovnik and Mr Jasnic discussed the activities to be held in the next months, regarding the organisation of the European Universities Games 2020 in Belgrade, including a working seminar in Ljubljana, Supervision Visit in Belgrade and presence of EUSA at the Belgrade Sports Fair. At the occasion, Mr Pecovnik met also with European Olympic Committees President, Mr Janez Kocijancic and Mayor of Ljubljana, Mr Zoran Jankovic.

Inaugural ceremony

EUSA was also invited to the Inaugural Ceremony of the newly elected Rector of University of Ljubljana, Mr Igor Papic. The inaugural ceremony took place on Friday, September 29, 2017 at the University of Ljubljana and was attended by EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik; together with EUSA Executive Committee Member and Chair of EUSA Education Commission, Mr Milan Zvan, in his role of the Dean of the Faculty of Sport at the University of Ljubljana.

New Rector of the University of Ljubljana Mr Igor Papic

University of Ljubljana was awarded the EUSA title of the Best University for the period 1999-2009, and is still one of the most active and successful universities on EUSA sport events. EUSA Secretary General congratulated newly elected Rector, with a wish to see many teams from the University of Ljubljana also on future EUSA Events.

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