Seminar for EUSA Games 2016 bidding

Seminar for EUSA Games 2016 bidding

On Monday, February 28, EUSA Office in Ljubljana hosted the representatives of the applicant cities, interested to bid for the organisation of the 3rd European Universities Games in 2016.


With the strong interest in the 2016 European Universities Games and five letters of intention received within the deadline, a special seminar was organised for the applicant cities, in order to assist them in preparing quality bids for the 2016 EUSA Games.

Welcome address by EUSA President Mr Roczek


The participants were welcomed by EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, who expressed his satisfaction for the success of the 1st European Universities Games, which were held in 2012 in Cordoba, Spain, and the growing interest also for the future editions of the event.

EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik


Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General started with a general presentation of the organisation and introduced the development of sports competitions within EUSA. He also presented the statistics of the first EUSA Games and gave an overall impression of the event that was held for the first time in 2012.

EUSA Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa


EUSA Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa made an introduction to the preparation of the bidding dossier, sports program, including technical and other requirements. EUSA Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl introduced the step of presenting the bid to the Executive Committee and shared best practices of the previously awarded organisers.

Guidelines for the applicants


Before concluding the event, the overall bidding process was explained in more details, and giving the representatives of the applicant cities time and opportunity to ask questions and discuss the process and requirements.

EUSA Representatives


The seminar was attended by the representatives of the applicant cities Coimbra (POR), Tampere (FIN) and Zagreb/Rijeka (CRO). Present at the seminar were also other EUSA representatives, including Mr Olaf Tabor, Treasurer, Mr Zoltan Rakaczki and Mr Matac Liviu, Auditors, Mr Haris Pavletic, Executive Committee Member and Mr Marko Zunic, Technical Commission Vice-Chair.


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