SELL Games 2013 getting ready

SELL Games 2013 getting ready

SELL Student Games is a multi-sport event that is open for all university and college students all over the world. The names of the games are according to the first letters of the hosting countries – Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in their respective languages.

The principles of the games are that everyone can participate and therefore the event combines top sports and joyful student event. Nowadays the games gather together around 1800–2000 students.



The 29th edition of the SELL Student Games will be carried out in Riga, the capital of Latvia between May 24 and 26, 2013. A month before the the event, the Organisers are finalising the arrangements and await the participants who will come to Riga to take part in the XXIX SELL Games under the motto "Student, Emotions, Lifestyle, Love".

City of Riga - host of the 29th SELL Games


SELL Games is held under the patronage of the International University Sports federation (FISU) and European University Sports Association (EUSA).

For more information about the 2013 SELL Games, please see

Football at the SELL Games

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