SELL Games 2007

SELL Games 2007
On the occasion of the celebration of the 10th years of SELL Students Games, regional sports events of students of Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania, on behalf of the Lithuanian students sports association and the organizing committee of XXIII SELL Games we have the honour to invite students of your countries universities to participate in the sports, science, and cultural events of XXIII SELL STUDENTS GAMES - 2007, held under the patronage of EUSA, that will be organised in Kaunas, Lithuania on May 16-20, 2007.

I. Time and place
The 23rd SELL Games will be held during the period of May 16 - 20, 2007 in Kaunas. Arrival in Kaunas on May 16th, departure on May - 20.

II. Management of the Games
The OC organizes the SELL Games. The Lithuanian students' sports association together with sports federations carries out sports competitions. The Games will be held by common efforts of Lithuanian students' sports association, the Department of Physical Education and Sport under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Lithuania, universities of different countries and other sports organizations.

III. Program
16th of May: International science conference "University sports is the heart of all sports"
17th of May: Festival "Sport for all" including: street basketball tournament (3x3), street handball tournament (4x4), street football tournament (5x5), orienteering sport for all, cross-country race, darts, floorball, national games, beach volleyball, general gymnastics.
18-20 th of May: SELL Games. There will be competitions in 9 different sports: Athletics, Basketball, Orienteering, Mini-football, Table tennis, Swimming, Handball, Judo and Volleyball.

IV. Participants and conditions of participation in the Games
The following candidates are welcome to participate in the SELL Games: day-department university students; Bachelors, Masters of Science; Persons, who graduated from the university one year ago, who produced a diploma copy and a passport. All sportsmen participating in the SELL Games have to be insured. In the opening (May 18) and closing (May 20) ceremonies of the SELL Games all the delegations participate wearing their festive sport costumes. The opening ceremonies of sports and ceremonies of doing honour to prize winners are held in the place of competitions.

V. Establishing the winners and awarding
The sportsmen winners and team winners and prize holders are established in accordance with the regulations of different sports. The Organizing Committee gives keepsakes of the 23rd SELL Games to the official participants of the Games (sportsmen, leaders, coaches, doctors, organizers, judges, auxiliary personnel and sponsors). Every winner and prise holder (the winner of 2nd-3rd places) in individual and team competitions is personally awarded special diplomas and medals of the 23rd SELL games. All the winners of the 23rd SELL Games will be awarded special prizes of the Organizing Committee.

VI. Application procedure
For participating in the 23rd SELL Games university must be registered in the system in SELL Games web page till 15th of March. The Organizing Committee will officially announce the participants of the SELL Games according to the kind of sport till April 14, 2007. All the participants of would-be games present a definite form (for the sportsman, coach. leader, judge or any other personnel) and a photo for an accreditation card. The travel expenses of all the participants of the SELL Games are paid by the organization that has sent them to the Games. The participants of the SELL Games from foreign countries pay a participation fee – 25 Euro for a single day.
The fee includes: right to take part in competitions, catering three times a day (one day is counted from 12.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m., next day), entrance to all competitions, cultural activities and parties of the Games. Accommodation in hostels or hotels is possible for additional compensation, but the number of rooms is limited.



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