SCORE partners’ meeting in London

SCORE partners’ meeting in London

Partners in the SCORE project on strengthening coaching with the objective to raise gender equality met for the project team meeting in London on September 30, 2015. European University Sports Association (EUSA), as one of the partners in the project, was represented by its Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl.

The project, coordinated by the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO), brings together 13 key partner organisations, promoting equal opportunities, namely gender equality in coaching. The project focus is on increasing the number of employed and volunteer female coaches at all levels of sport as well as enhancing knowledge on gender equality in coach education.

Coordinator of the project

The meeting, hosted by the Sport and Recreational Alliance, was moderated by project manager Heidi Pekkola and Sara Massini from ENGSO. The meeting focused on finalising the awareness pack educational toolkit which will include two sections – one for the organisations and another one for coaches.

Experts from Sports Coach UK

Sarah Milner and Julie Mackintosh from Sports Coach UK guided the participants through the toolkit, and work continued in workgroups, providing feedback and finalising the content.

Working in groups

The toolkit and factsheets will be able to assist the organisations in creating a more gender equal environment not only in which women can get into coaching and develop as a coach but also can receive more gender appropriate and inclusive coaching by male and female coaches.

SCORE partners' meeting

Next phase of the project will be launching the training sessions for coaches in partners' countries between November 2015 and August 2016 on one hand, and training a group of mentors on the other hand. One of the outcomes of the project will be a pool of mentors around Europe dedicated to raise and facilitate gender equality in coaching.

Website SCORE: Gender equality in coaching

For more information about the project, please see the official website and follow the discussions in social media with the hashtags #scorecoaching, #equalityincoaching, #genderequality and #sport.

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