Safer, better stronger! - Conference invitation

Safer, better stronger! - Conference invitation

In 2012, a European project “Prevention of sexualized violence in sports – Impulses for an open, secure and sound sporting environment in Europe” has been launched. The project is funded by the Sport Unit of the European Commission in the preparatory action in the field of sport and is being implemented in close cooperation with the German Sports Youth as part of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DSJ) the Institute of Social Work and Social Education, the Youth Organisation of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth), European University Sports Association (EUSA) and other partners, including 11 scientific advisors from 10 European countries.


As an integral part of the project, a final conference entitled "Safer, better stronger!" will be organised November 20-21 in Berlin, Germany, aiming to bring together and foster a transnational network of policy-makers, representatives of the sport organizations, national coaching foundations, media as well as those, who are willing to take decisive measures on different levels and contribute to the prevention of sexual harassment and abuse in sport.

EU project, partially funded by the European Commission under the Preparatory action in the field of sport


Offering an extensive two-day programme, the conference will give input on recent developments in this field in Europe, discuss various practical approaches on organisational and regional levels and address the challenges of monitoring and evaluation of preventive and controlling measures against sexual harassment and abuse in sport.


The conference will be held at the House of the representative of the Free State of Thuringia in Berlin under the patronage of Heike Taubert, Minister for Social Affairs, Family and Health in Thuringia and Chair of the Standing Committee of the Sports Ministers of the Federal States of Germany.

Stop violence!


The working language of the conference will be English. Please visit the official website of the event for the call for registrations and draft program. The registration, accommodation and travel costs are covered by the project, so there is no participation fee for the participants for a limited number of applicants.


Partner organisations in the project:

- German Sports Youth in the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DSJ)

- Institute for Social Work and Social Education (ISS)

- The Youth organisation of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth)

- European University Sports Association (EUSA)

- The Association of International Sport for All (TAFISA)

- Eurochild

- European Confederation of Modern Pentathlon

- European Basketball Federation (FIBA Europe)

- International Organization of Catholic Sports Associations (FICEP)

- European Women and Sports (EWS)

- Child Protection in Sports Unit (CPSU/ NSPCC)

- European Paralympic Committee (EPC)


For more information about the project and the conference, please see

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