Results for the 2024 Erasmus+ Sport Call for proposals announced

Results for the 2024 Erasmus+ Sport Call for proposals announced

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) announced the selection results of the Erasmus+ Sport - Call for proposals; the Cooperation Partnerships, Small-Scale Partnerships, Capacity Building and Not-For-Profit European Sport Events. We are proud and happy to announce that one projects with the EUSA Institute as the coordinator has been selected for funding from the European Union, as well as one other where we are partners.

With centralised actions, European University Sports Association (EUSA) with its EUSA Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was granted funding for small cooperation partnership project "FUSION - Future links for University athletes with Sports clubs Integrating Organised Networks" project, tacking sport dropout and physical inactivity for higher education students. The projects will be co-funded by the European Union.

EUSA Institute will also partner in the project "Runners4All - Runners for All - European Students run", focusing on Health-enhancing physical activity and holistic lifelong healthy habits for students across Europe. Also this project will be co-funded by the European Union.

Let us also mention that earlier in the month we also received information that Erasmus+ project proposal in the field of youth entitled "EUYOUSPORT - European Youth and Sport Together" has been selected for funding, with EUSA Institute as one of the partners in the project consortium.

Co-funded by the European Union

We also remain an active partner in several ongoing projects, supported by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

We are proud to be able to continue our active contribution to the development of university sport and sport in general on the European level, also with the support of the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.

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