Results for the 2017 Erasmus+ Sport Call for proposals announced

Results for the 2017 Erasmus+ Sport Call for proposals announced

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) published yesterday the selection results of the Erasmus+ Sport - Call for proposals; the Collaborative partnerships and Not-For-Profit European Sport Events. We are extremely proud and happy that a project where EUSA Institute is the applicant, as well as sevela projects where we are partners, have been selected for funding from the European Union.

The call covered the Not-for-profit European sport events, Small Collaborative partnerships and Collaborative partnerships; among these four prioroties:
- Health-enhanching psysical activity and the European Week of Sport;
- Dual career & Volunteering;
- Combatting doping and match-fixing – Good governance;
- Social inclusion & Combatting violence, racism and discrimination.

EU support

This year, 160 projects have been selected for funding; 66 Collaborative Partnerships, 84 Small Collaborative Partnerships and 10 Not-for-profit European sport events, and 2 have been placed on a reserve list.

European University Sports Association (EUSA) will through its EUSA Institute receive EU support for funding for a 2-year project Empowered Nation (ENAcT) on encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport. The overall aims of the projects are searching for a sustainable, long term strategic plan to enforce gender equality, with focus on university sport.


We are very proud that the European Universities Games 2018 (EUG2018) is also among the beneficiaries as a Not-for-profit European sport event, with the University of Coimbra (POR) being the lead applicant.

EUSA with its EUSA Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will also form a partnership consortium in some other projects which were selected for funding in the field of promotion of education in and through sport with special focus on skills development and supporting the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athlete; as well as in the field of encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport:
- Equality Toolkit for Generation Z - GETZ, with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (NED) as the lead applicant.
- Education Model for Parents of Athletes In Academics - EMPATIA, with the University of Ljubljana (SLO) as the lead applicant.
- SMART SPORT with the Bulgarian Olympic Committee (BUL) as the lead applicant.
- Dual Career and qualification in sports - AMID, with the University of Salzburg (AUT) as the lead applicant (EUSA Institute being an associated partner).
Projects will be co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The results are a great recognition of our organisation and EUSA activities, and we are very excited about contributing to the development of university sport and sport in general on the European level, also with the support of the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.

For a detailed overview of the results, please see

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