Reminder: Volunteering opportunities in EUSA

Reminder: Volunteering opportunities in EUSA

European Universities Sports Association (EUSA) offers several opportunities for all young volunteers, enthusiasts and supporters of university sport, both long-term placement and short-term volunteering opportunities.


In the scope of log-term volunteering opportunities, we offer 1-year placement in the EUSA office in Ljubljana within the European Voluntary Service (EVS) projects and internships; opportunities supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme and the International University Sports Federation (FISU). Please read more about the EVS opportunities in EUSA here. Next service will host two candidates from September 2015 onwards and the deadline to register for this placement is Friday, January 23, 2015.

EUSA Volunteers at the European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014


For short-term volunteering opportunities, we invite candidates to join us and enrich the experiences within one of the 19 European Universities Championships, which will be organised this year around Europe. In cooperation with the local Organising Committees, we will be able to offer experiences of organising international student sports events to minimally 40 students. Deadlines for application differ, according to the sports; please check out the EUSA Volunteer programme page for details.

Supported by Erasmus+


Supported by FISU

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