Register for the 10th FISU Forum

Register for the 10th FISU Forum

The 10th FISU Forum, which will take place in Vigo, Spain from June 21-26, 2010, will have as its main theme ‘University Sport: A Platform for Change’.
The Sub-Themes will be:
-  Development of Strategic Plans in University Sport at the National Level
-  Education and Environmental Awareness through University Sport
-  Women’s Leadership in University Sport
-  University Sport and Academic Recognition



It is still time to register to the event. If you would like to participate, you are kindly requested to contact the Organising Committee:

Organising Committee
Rúa Cesáreo González, s/n (Edificio IMD)
36210 Vigo (Pontevedra)

Phone: +34.986.247.104
Fax: +34.986.247.105

More information on the event can be found also on the official website of the forum:

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