Reflection of EUSA internship and volunteering journeys

We are sharing the reflection of Giacomo and Simone, two OPES volunteers that experienced a 10 month journey at the EUSA Office in Ljubljana and Alessandro, an EUSA Erasmus+ Traineeship intern, that joined us for a shorter period of two months.
Simone De Luca
My time at EUSA was truly a special chapter in my life. The 10 months I spent participating in such a great project significantly influenced both my personal and professional growth. Much of this was due to the strong bonds formed from the very first day with the other volunteers who were there during the same period. We quickly connected, becoming more and more united as a working group, and also developed deep friendships that extended beyond work.
In my opinion, EUSA was excellent at recognizing and investing in our social potential, giving us the opportunity to constantly grow and believing in our capabilities. Personally, I was extremely grateful to have met people like Giacomo, Heloise, Marta, Alessandro, Jennifer, and Emanuele, who proved to be not only great colleagues but also wonderful friends.
Summarizing all the things I was able to do and experience during my time as a volunteer at EUSA is not easy. I was involved in numerous projects, both sports-related and non-sports, co-funded by EUSA, such as “Youmind” and “DiscoverU.” Participating in kickoff meetings, preparing papers and presentations offered a valuable chance to engage in a new and dynamic environment, especially in the context of university sports.
In addition to these great experiences, I had the chance to work on an Erasmus+ project with my dear colleagues. The idea of doing a project together was a complex challenge for all of us, but one we approached with enthusiasm. Ultimately, our project—which aimed to create a bridge or "fusion" (name of the Project itself) between sports clubs and university realities—was recently funded by the European Commission. We were thrilled with this success, and it gave us the courage to take on an even bigger challenge: contributing to EUSA’s most significant event of my time there, the 2024 EUSA Games in Debrecen and Miskolc.
This event held particular importance for me, as the workload and responsibility within the office were substantial. The event was a tremendous success, thanks to the collaboration between all the volunteers and staff. I was particularly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals like Attila and Balazs, who were exceptional mentors. They taught me how to perform well under pressure and how to manage an important office like International Affairs. Through the coordination of volunteers, information points, and attachés, the event ran smoothly, much to the satisfaction of EUSA, the organizing committees, and the athletes, who traveled from almost all over Europe to compete in 18 different sports across the two Hungarian cities.
An enriching work and social experience was further complemented by the beauty of Slovenia, full of fantastic surprises. Living so close to nature and breathtaking landscapes made this adventure, which I had embarked on a year ago, even more memorable. Some of my favorite places include Triglav National Park with its stunning waterfalls, the imposing mountains surrounding such pure and verdant scenery, Lake Jasna, the Tolmin Gorges with the beautiful Soča River, and the Postojna Caves.
In short, the time I spent in Ljubljana and with the many wonderful people I met at EUSA was a period filled with challenges, but also with personal growth and satisfaction. Choosing to serve with Italian Civil Service was not a decision I regret, in fact, it was an excellent opportunity to push my limits and experience something new in an exciting and dynamic environment.
I am deeply thankful to everyone I met along this journey, as they have each contributed to my personal development. For those considering whether to take on such an experience, I can only say: What are you waiting for?
Giacomo Mori
Looking back on my 10-month internship with EUSA, it's easy to see how much I’ve grown, both personally and professionally. I joined EUSA in November 2023 through the Italian Civic Service program, and what followed was a year full of experiences that pushed me to learn new things, work with diverse people, and explore new places. Right from the start, I found myself in a warm, welcoming environment. The atmosphere at the EUSA office in Ljubljana has always been friendly and collaborative, and I have really enjoyed working alongside my fellow volunteers Simone, Marta, Emanuele, and Heloise, as well as the wider EUSA team.
I had the chance to contribute to a wide range of activities that allowed me to grow my communication and project management skills, benefiting greatly from the professional expertise of the managers of the EUSA team. From assisting with institutional communications to supporting the smooth running of daily operations, I was able to dive deep into the administrative side of an international sports organization. I gained invaluable experience in drafting and managing Erasmus+ projects, working on partnership-building efforts, and collaborating with sports sector institutions. One of the proudest moments was designing and co-writing, together with the other volunteers, an Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnership project aimed at supporting university student athletes in maintaining their involvement in sport during the transition after college: a two-year project bringing together sports clubs, universities and national sports federations, which was successfully granted funding from the European Commission in August this year and will kick off soon. It was a true testament to our teamwork, and it was a great feeling to see the project selected, knowing that we had created something meaningful from scratch.
Of course, some of the most memorable highlights of this experience were the major sports events that brought together athletes, volunteers, and organizers from across Europe. Supporting the first European Universities Winter Championships in Val di Zoldo (Italy) in December 2023 was an exciting challenge that allowed me to help organize and promote a milestone event in EUSA’s calendar. But perhaps nothing compares to the intensity of being involved in the organization of the European Universities Games 2024 in Hungary. From the preparation phase to the event itself, I contributed to the registration and accreditation process of the over 4,000 participants, working closely with the local Organizing Committee and representatives of the Hungarian University Sports Federation (MEFS). Being part of such a large event was a lot of work but also rewarding, and witnessing the energy, passion, and dedication that went into making EUG2024 a success was a truly interesting experience. It gave me a behind-the-scenes look at how much effort goes into organizing these types of events from their inception, and it’s something that I will carry with me as I move forward into my next chapter in life.
Beyond the work environment, Slovenia itself was a revelation. Its natural beauty, from the towering peaks of the Julian Alps to the stunning landscapes of its lakes and forests, offered me a space to recharge and reflect, providing a perfect balance to the busy days in the office. Going skiing in Vogel or Kranjska Gora became a regular activity during the winter; with the arrival of the warm season, hiking also turned into a real passion, and exploring Slovenia’s breathtaking mountains in good and chatty company allowed me to connect with nature in a way I had never experienced before. This added a whole new dimension to my time there.
All in all, my time at EUSA was about learning, adapting, and moving forward, and I am glad to have been part of it. It wasn’t without its challenges, but overall, it was a valuable experience which left me unforgettable shared memories and perhaps a better sense of direction in what I want to focus on in the future. It certainly gave me the chance to develop new skills and build and nurture invaluable human relationships. For anyone considering volunteering or working in an international environment, contributing to big projects, and getting to know new people from all over Europe, I can’t recommend it enough.
Alessandro Boscherini
It was December 2023 when I started thinking to spend my Erasmus+ Traineeship period abroad thanks to the funds offered by the EU via the Erasmus+ Traineeship program. I started sending CV all around and sending emails to every organization in the sport system that was close to my interests: basketball, work with youth people and sports events organization.
In the following 4 month I had no positive answers, and I was starting to think to apply my plan B, so spend my traineeship period in Italy like my course mates. Then one day I was contacted by Andrej Pisl, the Project and Policy Manager of EUSA, one of the many organizations to which I send a private email and organization that I knew worked once with my university. Surprised by the answer and the interest to host me, I answered him and we had our first and unique interview: really quick, not much formal and in which I quickly understood that this organization was exactly what I was seeking for. One month for compile all the papers needed and find a room in which live, and without realize precisely what to aspect, I was on a bus from my city, Pescara, to Ljubljana.
I arrived on the 1st of June that was Saturday, so I fortunately had two days to go around the city and understand where the office was from my apartment. On the 3rd of June my adventure in EUSA officially started: quick introduction of everyone in the office, an inspection of the two floors of the office and a brief introduction of the mission and the main staff in which they were working at that moment. After the ending of the first day, I said myself that my first impression after the interview was right: this is an amazing place!
The 2nd day I met in person Andrej, my tutor, and I quickly understood how good he is and how big is his work ethic. I agreed with him again the format of my trainee period: first month in Ljubljana and the second month all the office, me included, will move in Miskolc and Debrecen to attend the main event they organize and manage every two years: the European Universities Games (EUG).
Really happy and excited from the first moment, the first month passed in a while: I spent great days with the other volunteers in the office, met new people, spent much time in the University gym that thanks to EUSA was free for us, watched European championships in Ljubljana square. But also, I had many meeting to attend in the office, assist Andrej with projects and prepare content with the Communications and Media Department of EUSA. Everything was amazing and I’m deeply glad for the moments I had.
The 1st of July started the second chapter of this adventure, and we moved to Hungary. It was weird to switch so quickly from a situation that was so good to a complete now challenge, but after some days of adapting, I found the way to manage it: every day I moved from the accommodation in which I stayed to the university campus to attend my shift at the accreditation point of the EUG, in which I understood better the process and the methodologies to do that.
During the EUG I met many interesting guys and, probably most important, I had the possibility to networking in the work system in which I understood I would like to work organization of sports events. I also had the chance to lead some workshops and, always thanks to Andrej, understand how to manage international projects. Breath of fresh sports air for a guy like me that spent most of his teenage in basketball venue is always an emotion and was a pleasure to attend at a so well-organized event.
On the 25th all the office staff moved back to Ljubljana, and I started understanding that this experience was close to the end. The last day in the office was pretty sad, because I realized that was not enough long experience because I have so much more to learn from all the people in EUSA.
To conclude this reflection time, I would thank all the amazing people with which I shared this experience and made it unforgettable and huge, starting from the young core in the office, arriving to the heads of EUSA that made everything possible. Even if we didn’t have so much time, I feel I am leaving a new family and I hope that somewhere and somehow, our ways will cross again.
EUSA is happy to have had the opportunity to welcome these three great indviduals and to have shared great time and experience at EUSA Office in Ljubljana, with them.