Rectors' Conference brought important Memorandum of Understanding

Rectors' Conference brought important Memorandum of Understanding

During the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016, a special Rectors' Conference took part in Opatija and Rijeka and concluded in Zagreb between July 11 and 14, 2016, bringing a joint Memorandum of Understanding on University Sport.

The Rector of the University of Rijeka Mr Pero Lucin greeted the participants of the conference, and stressed that the Games and the Rectors’ Conference are very important for sport and the academic community.

Mr Pero Lucin, Rector of the University of Rijeka

The President of the Rectors’ Conference and the Rector of the University of Zagreb, Mr Damir Boras, stressed that the EUG are the most important games in history, and that there is an intent to include sports activities into regular university programs. He concluded that sport teaches us how to cross obstacles in our lives, and how to be proud in defeat and humble in victory.

Zrinko Custonja, President of HASS and EUG2016

The President of the EUG Zagreb – Rijeka 2016 and the Croatian Academic Sports Federation, Mr Zrinko Custonja, congratulated everyone for a job well done, greeted all guests, and thanked them for the support they have offered and for the effort hey have put into drawing out the conclusions of the Rectors’ Conference, which will further the development of university sports and the dual careers of student athletes.

Ms Lea Meister in the audience

Ms Lea Meister, the President of the European Students’ Union (ESU) emphasized the benefits of sport, ranging from its relevance for young people’s health, to its importance as a socializing and inclusive factor. ‘Everyone is equal in sport, and sport should be available to everyone,’ Ms Meister concluded.

Oleg Matytsin, FISU President

Mr Oleg Matytsin, the President of International University Sports Federation (FISU), pointed out that only the Olympic Games are larger than the European Universities Games, and that in the past, the winners of Olympic medals were also often the winners of university competitions. Sport teaches us fair play, humility, discipline, openness, communicativeness. Sport is the best tool for developing leadership skills. Therefore, in these kinds of competitions, students should be given the chance to use this as a gateway to other sport competitions. Also, Mr Matytsin concluded, they should be educated about doping, so they understand that cheating is not permitted in any form.

Adam Roczek, EUSA President

The President of European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr Adam Roczek, said he was very pleased that the importance of university sports and the university’s positive role would be discussed at the Rectors’ Conference. When dual careers are concerned, we need to hold onto young talents and work with them, because – let us not forget – sports are an additional value for every university, Mr Roczek said, and quoted Nelson Mandela – sport has the power to change the world.

Martine Rahier, Vice-President of European University Association

Mrs Martine Rahier, the Vice-President of European University Association (EUA), said that dual careers are challenging to balance, so these athletes should receive help in advancing their careers after they retire from sport. We should all work together to prepare student athletes for their professional future, after their sports careers end. Mrs Rahier thinks that more dual careers would lower the rate of young people abandoning their sport careers or studies.

Rectors' Conference

These kinds of events are a great platform for including young people into the European community, Mr Kreso Zadro, the assistant to the Minister of Science, Education and Sports, pointed out, and it is a great opportunity to demonstrate one’s skills and knowledge.

Snjezana Prijic Samardzija, Vice-Rector of the University of Rijeka

Vice-Rector of the University of Rijeka, Mrs Snjezana Prijic Samardzija, opened the main plenary part on dual careers. Keynote speakers were the President of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Mr Mark Emmert; Mr Adam Roczek, President of European University Sports Association (EUSA); Mr Joao Gabriel Silva, Rector of the University of Coimbra and Mr Zrinko Custonja, President of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation and the Organising Committee analysed different models of university sport in Europe and in the United States of America. Overall agreement was that young people should be provided with the opportunity to participate in both academic and sport activities in order for them to have the full university experience. Sport should promote students’ academic success and student sport has many advantages, but it is important to be properly organised.

Mark Emmert, NCAA President

In the roundtable that followed, moderated by Mr Gordan Kozulj - Olympian and Vice-President of EUG2016, Mr Damir Knjaz, Dean of the Kinesiology Faculty in Zagreb, highlighted the benefits of physical activity and pointed out that the fact that a large percentage of children and 65% of adults in Croatia don’t participate in any physical activities. Ana Znaor, world champion in kickboxing, addressed the problems of top athletes and employment. Mr Mihovil Spanja, Paralympic champion in swimming and the Games’ ambassador spoke about the important fact that students with disabilities are included, taking part in the European University Games not only as athletes, but also as volunteers. He stressed that there should be no differences among athletes and/or volunteers. Beside sport, higher education is very important for one’s career and experiences gained in sport can be applied also to employment. Mr Dalibor Krpan learned a lot from taekwondo and it encouraged him to found Taekwondo Academy at the University of Rijeka.

Round table

The conference concluded with the adoption of the Memorandum of Understanding and participants expressed their hope that everything will be resolved for the benefit of student athletes and they pointed out that the games are an important step towards that. Therefore, an important message was sent to young people – do sport!

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