EUSA Volunteer Programme
European University Sports Association (EUSA) in cooperation with its Student Commission (EUSA STC) and the local Organising Committees of our events offers the possibility for students to actively take part in the EUSA sports events as volunteers.
In 2025, students can participate and support the organisers of the European Universities Championships, including 18 events, covering 24 sports, spread out in 8 European countries, in different cities.
Manifest your interest applying as EUSA Volunteer here:
The main aim of the programme is to give a chance for young students, who are interested in sports and in organizing sport events, to get the opportunity of experiencing a unique adventure, through which they will learn about the values of sport, gain valuable work experience, express their creativity and enjoy everything that the Championships as a diverse hub of cultures and people, can offer.
For the European Universities Championships, usually 2 volunteers per sport are selected, through the EUSA volunteering database. Volunteers are chosen directly by the Organizing Committee.
Anyone over the age of 18 can become a volunteer, having the opportunity to raise their competencies and skills in organising sport event in the European level, get new experiences in different fields, will be useful for the Organising Committee, exchange knowledge, learn about the culture of the country, get new friends all over the Europe and much more.
Manifest your interest applying as EUSA Volunteer here:
The deadline to apply for the volunteering program is 15.03.2025.
Through this experience, the participants will raise their competencies and skills in organising sport event in the European level, get new experiences in different fields, will be useful for the Organising Committee, exchange knowledge, learn about the culture of the country, get new friends all over the Europe and much more.
The Volunteer Programme includes for example working for the Organising Committee, supporting the organizers in the competition fields (global coordination, managing information desks, communication between organization committee and referees, guests, team attaché, media and communication roles, etc.).
In the frame of the programme, full board is provided during the time of the event (and training), with transfer from the official airport/station covered; uniform, insurance, and training. The volunteers only must ensure their travel costs to the event.
Moreover, after the event finishes, a certificate of participation will be provided, indicating their working position and hours, representing their success and an additional value to their already rich experience.
European Universities Championships (EUC) are university sports competitions governed by the European University Sports Association (EUSA). Participants in these events are European university teams and individuals.
The championships have been organised annually since 2001, and since 2012 they are organised on a biannual basis
Manifest your interest applying as EUSA Volunteer here:
To get a glimpse of the experiences of the students who have already participated in this program, please see the Shared Experiences testimonies.
The project is also supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU).