Athletic migration: Dual Career and qualification in sports (AMID)
Promote and support good governance in sport and Dual Careers of athletes by building a network for the exchange of best practices.
The project was with a duration of two years, from 01.01.2018 - 30.06.2020.
- Raise awareness and knowledge of Dual Career and athlete migration, including current situations and challenges in the EU.
- Develop applicable support structures for migrating athletes within the EU.
- Provide practical tools to stakeholders and integrate good practices into governance.
Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive review of athlete migration in Europe, including new insights from end-users and potential improvements.
Criteria Development: Define transnational Dual Career and identify criteria for successful athlete migration and eligibility of academic institutions and sports services.
Implementation: Implement and scientifically assess selected Dual Career measures based on prior findings.
Exchange Opportunities: Reveal transnational exchange opportunities for diverse Dual Career measures for migrating athletes within the partnership.
Toolkit Development: Condense all findings into a comprehensive toolkit for stakeholders involved in athlete migration.
Dissemination and Sustainability: Share project results with a wide audience and establish sustainability for the project.
Partners Involved:
- University of Salzburg (AUT)
- University Sport Service Hamburg (GER)
- Lapland University of Applied Sciences (FIN)
- University of Ljubljana (SLO)
- University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (ITA)
- European Athlete as Student Network (MAL)
Associated Partner: European University Sports Association (EUSA)
More Information:
- Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
- Visit the project website at AMID Project
Athletic migration: Dual Career and qualification in sports (AMID) aimed to promote and support good governance in sport and Dual Careers of athletes by building a network for the exchange of best practices, by developing skills and competences in Dual Career, especially addressing migrating athletes.
The insufficient support for migrating athletes was a major risk of decreased performances or drop-outs in education and sports, with the AMID project hoping to raise awareness and knowledge of the phenomenon of Dual Career and athlete migration including the current situation and challenges in the EU.
The project also hoped to build a network and develop applicable support structures for migrating athletes within the EU, including implementation and evaluation of best practices and to provide practical tools to stakeholders and feed good practices into governance.
Project partners collected and exchanged good practices across Europe and identified opportunities to improve practices and raise governance standards. These practices were implemented and systematically tested in the participating organizations including migrating athletes from multiple countries.
AMID ultimately aimed to expand its network, exchange the identified best practices across European policies, and involve national authorities in all participating organizations.
EUSA was an associated partner in the two-year project, which was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
For more information about the project, please visit