President of EUSA meets president of EUA

President of EUSA meets president of EUA
On Tuesday, 10th April 2007 EUSA President Alberto Gualtieri with EUSA-EC-Member Wolf Frühauf had a meeting with the President of the European University Association (EUA), the Rector of the University of Vienna, Professor Dr. Georg Winckler in Vienna -in the rectors office in the main building of the University.

 Gualtieri, Winckler, Fruhauf

President Gualtieri presented the European University Sports Association, its aims and activities to the EUA-President, who was impressed by the results EUSA achieved since it was founded in Vienna in 1999. The EUA - as the Europe-wide Association of all universities in Europe - is delighted about EUSAs existence and activities and will give recognition to EUSA as a partner of EUA in promoting the aims of higher Education and Science as well as university sport in Europe. EUA and EUSA will have a close cooperation to the best of universities and university sport in Europe in the future. 

Fruhauf, Winckler, Gualtieri 

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