President CASF visits EUSA Office

President CASF visits EUSA Office
President of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) Mr Zrinko Custonja visited EUSA Office in Ljubljana on Thursday, December 5, 2014 to discuss topics related with the organisation of the 3rd European Universities Games, which will be held in 2016 in Zagreb and Rijeka. 
Mr Custonja met with the EUSA Secretary Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl, presenting an overview on the current activities and details on the proposal for EUSA EC to enlarge the number of sports in the Games in 2016.

Mr Pecovnik and Mr custonja with the new EUSA promo T-shirt
Participants also discussed the preparations for the European Universities Games 2014 and dates of an official EUSA visit to Croatia in January next year. At the end of the meeting, Mr Pecovnik presented the new EUSA visual identity and logotype, to be officially launched from 2014 onwards.
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