Prague International University Marathon 2014

Prague International University Marathon 2014
Do you want to experience something unforgettable? Try standing at the start line of the prestigious International Volkswagen Prague Marathon (PIM) and feel the power and determination of the world’s best marathon runners. Due to the success of last year’s University Marathon, RunCzech, along with patron Charles University, have decided to again encourage and prepare college students for another sensational race. Other patrons of this run are the Czech Association Sport for All and the European University Sports Association (EUSA).

Marathon runners
How to participate?
Simply gather four people who will each run a part of the epic 42 km race in the form of a relay. Consider your team’s strategy and goals, but most importantly, enjoy the unique feeling of joy and success. Runners are rewarded by crowds of fans, media attention, medals, as well as an invitation to the Gala Dinner at the Hilton Prague, where we properly celebrate our victories with great food, music, and company. The winning team will receive a trophy from the hands of the Charles University rector prof. dr. Tomas Zima.

PIM logo
The University Marathon - Running the Rector Cup takes place on Sunday, May 11th, 2014 and we are already looking forward to many college teams! More information is available at
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