Portuguese National University Championships

Portuguese National University Championships
The University of Minho and its Student’s Union presented the program of the National University Championships 2012 Finals. This presentation took place during the Technical Meeting of FADU in the presence of 53 participants, representing 23 FADU clubs. Athletics, Basketball, Climbing, Football, Futsal, Handball, Rink-Hockey, Korfball, Rugby 7s, Taekwondo and Volleyball will be featured at the event during the span of one week.

Presentation of the 2012 project by Mr Fernando Parente
Mr Fernando Parente, head of the Sports and Cultural Department of Social Services at University of Minho, representing the Organizing Committee, presented the biggest national university sport’s event, that will take place in the province of Minho, in the cities of Braga and Guimaraes, which are in 2012, respectively, European Capital of Youth and Culture. Also, these two cities will stage this year the World University Championships of Futsal and Chess, organized by FADU and University of Minho Student’s Union.

Rugby Finals 2011
During one week, between 16 and 22 April, the two cities will receive 11 sports and 17 championships, with over 2,500 participants. The expectations are big with some impressive numbers of this event:
2 Cities
11 Sports
14 Sport Facilities 
17 Championships
40 Clubs 
66 Gold Medals (Portugal University Champions)
150 Teams
200 Volunteers & Staff  
230 Games
2500 Participants (athletes & officials)
12000 Meals
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