Polish government supports AZS

Polish government supports AZS

At 30th of March the Minister of Sport and Tourism and the Minister of Science and Higher Education met at the Warsaw University to sign an agreement regarding common activities of the ministries in university sport.

The meeting was hosted by rector of the Warsaw University Katarzyna Chalasinska-Macukow. Representatives of the Polish sport associations, parliament and government, rectors of the Polish universities as well as members of the University Sport Association of Poland (AZS) were present at the ceremony. The announcer of the ceremony was Marek Rocki chairman of the AZS Board.


Ministers signing the agreemnet

The meeting had a historical meaning. It was the first time in the Polish government history when two ministries agreed to cooperate in one area. The ministries obliged themselves to support university sport in a financial and organizational way.

Minister of Science and Higher Education will donate funds for scientific researches in a range of sport medicine and for development of sport objects on Polish universities. Minister of Sport and Tourism will help AZS in implementing activities conducted by the AZS. Minister announced to provide money to the university sport clubs for preparing and participating of students in national and international university sport competitions, such as European Universities Championships or universiades.


Group photo of the participants

Partnership between the two ministries is built on tasks provided by the government within the framework of national strategies: a Human Capital Development Strategy and a Social Capital Development Strategy. It is also a support for an implementation of a Sports Development Strategy in Poland.
The program of university sports development will be executed in 5 units, for which both ministries are responsible for accomplishing:
1. Promotion of sport in the university environment
2. Promotion of sport in the international university environment
3. Program “Students on the way to the Olympic Games”
4. Scientific researches
5. Infrastructure of the university sport

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