Passing away of Mr. Enno Harms

Passing away of Mr. Enno Harms
It is with great regret and deep sadness that we have learned the passing away of our esteemed Honorary President, Mr. Enno Harms, on August 12, 2009, in Hannover, Germany. 

EUSA grieves over the loss of our dear friend who dedicated his life to the university sports movement.

Mr. Enno Harms was the EUSA President from 1999 to 2005. In 2005 he was nominated Honorary President of EUSA.

He was a member of the Executive Committee of the German University Sports Federation (ADH) since 1973, and its President between 1991 and 1992.

Professionally he was connected to the University of Hanover as its Director of the Department for University Sport.

We convey all of our sympathy to his family, the loved ones and the German University Sports Federation.
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