OUSA Executive Committee meets in Gwangju

OUSA Executive Committee meets in Gwangju

On the 16th and 17th March, and coinciding with the 12th FISU Forum, the Executive Committee of the Oceania University Sports Federation (OUSA) took the opportunity to hold its first meeting in 2014 in Gwangju, Korea.


The meeting was held over two days with special guests from the International University Sports Federation (FISU) attending as well. With five out of six members attending the meeting, the first day provided a great opportunity to hear from FISU Vice-President Mr Stefan Bergh and FISU Director Development and NUSF relations Mr Laurent Briel. Mr Bergh highlighted FISU’s development strategy and discussed how OUSA can contribute FISU in meeting its key outcomes. 


The remainder of the first day of the meeting was spent discussing challenges being faced by OUSA like vastness of the region and resourcing as well as celebrating some successes including progress on the upcoming Beach Soccer tournament to be held in New Caledonia and streamlined Governance procedures.

OUSA Executive Committee and guests (from L to R): Eric Michalak, Tara McCall, Ray Preston, Leonz Eder, Don Knapp, Toni Lourens, Kelly Blas, Martin Doulton, Luciano Cabral and Michael White


Day Two of the meeting was held in the afternoon of Monday 17th March, after the Opening of the 12th FISU Forum. During this session, the Committee members were pleased to welcome Mr Leonz Eder, Chair FISU CTI WUC and Mr Luciano Cabral, Vice-Chair FISU CTI WUC. Both Mr Eder and Mr Cabral encouraged OUSA to host more international events, like the World University Championships, and acknowledged the work that has already been done in the region.


Established in 2008, OUSA is the fifth FISU Continental Association. OUSA is committed to the advancement of University student sport programs at the Oceania Regional and International level.

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