OUSA Executive Committee Meeting

OUSA Executive Committee Meeting

The Executive Committee of the Oceania University Sport Association (OUSA) met for a two-day meeting on 18 & 19 February in Noumea, the capital of one of the South Pacific’s most idyllic Islands - New Caledonia.


Meeting for the first time in 2013, the Executive Committee discussed in great detail the a number of matters including an updated Constitution, a Directors Code of Conduct, the initiation of the four OUSA Taskforces (Students, Sport, Gender Equality and Education), the attribution of the 2013 My UniSport Team management workshops and an Oceania Sports Development project.


There was also some discussion on visibility of the FISU brand and awareness of OUSA across the South Pacific. The Executive Committee agreed to adopt the FISU Oceania as the Continental Federations public image.


The Executive Committee also took the opportunity to meet with the President of the University New Caledonia, whose University kindly hosted the meeting, and with the Minister for Youth Sport and Recreation regarding a possible partnership with the 2nd Pacific Youth and Sport Conference due to be held in New Caledonia between 2 – 7 December 2013. Currently the OUSA Beach Soccer event is due to be concluded on 7 December using the excellent Beach Soccer facility at the University campus.


In confirming the 2013 FISU /OUSA Calendar of Events the Committee confirmed that the 2013 My UniSport Team and Event management workshop programs are to be held in American Samoa (22-24 April), Papua New Guinea (24-30 May) Northern Mariana Islands (25-26 October) and New Caledonia (2-7 December).


The Executive Committee is also enacting a 2013 Governance Status check that will assist current and future members to both maintain Active membership of FISU both now and in the future. The outcomes of this Governance check will be reviewed and then worked through at OUSA Presidents meeting to be held in Noumea in December 2013.


Plans were also put in place to assist Oceania National University Federations attend the FISU 2013 events particularly the World University Summer and Winter Universiades and the FISU General Assembly. The 2013 OUSA General Assembly was also confirmed to be held in Kazan Russia on 5 July.

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