Opening of Winter Universiade Erzurum

Opening of Winter Universiade Erzurum

In Erzurum, Turkey, the 25th Winter Universiade was opened with a spectacular opening ceremony on Thursday, January 27, 2011.

The ceremony started with the march of the national flags and athletes into the newly built stadium. The largest presence in the paradade was that of Turkey and Russia, while Slovenian athletes held a banner of “Maribor 2013”, the next city to host the Winter Universiade in 2013.


Participants flags

After the arrival of the flame and FISU flag and following the welcome speeches of the Organising Committee President, FISU President George E. Killian, the Prime Minister of Turkey Mr Erdogan and the President of Turkey Abdullah Gül, the university winter sports games were declared open.



The participants, visitors and invited guests enjoyed a rich and interesting cultural programme, embracing different aspects of Turkish culture through show and dance. The ceremony concluded with a party, involving all athhletes and finished with a spectacular fireworks show.


Opening show

One of the main partners in the organisation is the Turskish University Sport Federation, which is also very active in the European University Sports Association. Out of the 58 countries which are participating in the 25th Winter Universiade in Erzurum, most of them are from Europe, also showing strong representation of EUSA member federations.


For more information about the universiade, please see, and

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