Online MBA scholarship project for students with disabilities

Online MBA scholarship project for students with disabilities

European Universities Games Zagreb – Rijeka 2016 (EUG2016), European University Sports Association (EUSA), European Paralympic Committee (EPC) and Cotrugli Business School (CBS) launched Online MBA scholarship project providing education to people with disabilities, with an Undergraduate or University degree and excellent English knowledge. Full scholarships, worth 10.000 EUR per person, will be given for Online MBA programmes to students with disabilities across all Europe.

Online MBA Program offers complete study flexibility, regardless of geographic location, or time of day. High quality recorded lectures feature expert tutors with complete class materials enables a smooth educational journey and a broad experience exchange. Supported by modern technology and a team of professionals, project partners want this scholarship initiative to become a global long-term project that aims to create an international community of Online MBA people with disabilities.

Applicants should have an undergraduate degree or Masters degree and be fluent in English. In order to be considered as eligible Online MBA participant, candidates have to successfully complete the application process specified on link below. Scholarships will be granted to the most successful candidates from the selection process. All candidates who meet the scholarship application requirements should fill out the Application Form by December 20, 2015. We encourage earlier submission in order to avoid rush periods during the interview processes.

European Universities Games 2016

Among a wide selection of sports, the European Universities Games 2016 will also feature Table Tennis and Swimming, where students with disabilities will be integrated and included in the sports programme.

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