One week until the Opening Ceremony of EUG 2024

One week until the Opening Ceremony of EUG 2024

We have officially reached one week until the official Opening Ceremony of the European Universities Games in Debrecen and Miskolc! 

The Opening Ceremony of the European Universities Games Debrecen and Miskolc 2024 is only a week away! Both cities are getting  ready to host participants representing European Universities from all over Europe, gathering at this year's largest university sport event in the world, and one of the largest sports events to be held in Hungary.

This year’s edition of the European Universities Games will start with a grand opening ceremony on the evening of July 12th, starting at 8PM. The event will be held in the big sports and entertainment hall in Miskolc, the DVTK Arena. The event will be opened for all participants who will arrive for the Opening ceremony. 

Few days away are the first arrivals of the student-athletes in both of the cities, as well.  In Debrecen and Miskolc, preparations are going with full steam ahead and the air is already filled up with the exciting spirit of the biggest university sport event for the summer! The cities, venues, EUSA team, local Organizing Committee and all the athletes around Europe are busy with the last preparations before the kick start of EUG 2024. 

The EUSA and Organizing Committee's departments are in active colaboration and communication to define the detailed schedule for the 17 sports featured in the Games, finalising other side events, and discussing different topics related to sports technicalities. 

In Miskolc, things are running smoothly as the final preparations are in flow. Venues are getting decorated, people in the staff and volunteers are arriving and working hard to make the first welcomes and competitions start as great as possible. 

Today the University of Miskolc officially inaugurated its brand-new tennis center, which will be one of the most beautiful legacies of the European University Games.  The facility includes four indoor and four additional outdoor hard courts, as well as a beautiful clubhouse to welcome tennis tournament participants. Additionally, the previous clay courts have also been renovated.

EUSA Staff is taking an active part in the preparations of both cities, as they arrived in the beginning of the week, to actively support the preparations in Debrecen and Miskolc. The representatives of the local Organizing Committee and EUSA are trying to meet the demands, expectations, and day to day challenges before the start of the games, working hard to assure a great outcome and atmosphere of the European Universities Games 2024. 

In Debrecen, the final arrangements are also in speed implementation. The city is surounded with promotional banners and creative reminders cruising throughout the city, reminding the locals of the great event that is expected to kick off next week! 

In the main hall of Debrecen University, yesterday a  special oath of the student-athletes that are going to compete at the European Universities Game 2024, took place yesterday. With this ceremony, they marked the dedication, passion and fair play spirit of these young sportsmen and sportswomen. 

Local athletes also have the chance to test some of the venues, pre hand, as they are going through the preparational practices and strategies, before the official start of the competitions. 

All of the important general and technical details regarding the Games, are also published and available throughout the both handbooks. Handbooks are offering detailed information regarding all the sports, accommodations, transportation and the rest of the sports, technical and logistical aspects of the event. 

In both cities, Debrecen and Miskolc, besides the sports competitions, social, educational and other side activities are going to  take place as well, organized by the host local organizing teams and EUSA. 

On behalf of EUSA, a few educational programmes are going to be organised and held in both of the cities, including: EUSA Forum, Youth Exchange, Observer programme, workshops on interesting and relevant topics Youth Empowerment and Youth Mental health implemented in cooperation with our partner ENGSO Youth, and partner meetings, related to projects co-funded by the European Union: ESOM, DiscoverU, YouMind, Youth Mobility, and More than Games. 

We are looking forward to the great European Universities Games in Debrecen and Miskolc! 

For more information, please see 

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