One EVS-ESC Chapter is concluding, new about to begin

European University Sports Association (EUSA) and EUSA Institute are saying goodbye to two EVS volunteers that are concluding their service and we are about to welcome two new volunteers to work in the EUSA Office from September onwards.
Ms Marianna Pikul from Poland and Mr Nenad Ruzic from Serbia started their internship in February and during their time spent in EUSA, they assisted the office work and were part of the EUSA team also during EUSA Assembly in Madrid and the European Universities Games (EUG) in Coimbra.
Marianna stated that her high expectations from the EVS were exceeded:
“I knew EUSA for several years now, and even before I came for this EVS I knew it is going to be the biggest career opportunity I’ve ever got. Even despite my high expectations, the experience turned out to be even better. I got a chance to be a part of not only a very welcoming and experienced office, but also few incredible events, where I’ve been learning new things every day. If anyone looks for a chance to develop their skills in sport related fields, this is an opportunity that can change their life. I know for sure that it changed mine.”
Nenad mentioned set of skills gained during his EVS experience:
“After volunteering at the events organized by EUSA for several years, this EVS experience means a lot to my further development because I had the opportunity to improve and learn new skills. Most of all, I had luck to work in an international environment and at a large scale event such as EUG 2018. I am sure that the skills earned here would be helpful in the future and I would advise it to anyone wanting to have a career in sport or in the international organizations.”
We are saying goodbye to Marianna and Nenad and in September we welcome two new volunteers, one from Ireland and one from Italy, staying in the EUSA Office until August 2019. Since 2013, EUSA has hosted seven volunteers as part of the long-term mobility projects within European Voluntary Service (EVS), which was initially part of the Youth in Action, now Erasmus+, and is transforming into European Solidarity Corps (ESC). Apart of hosting EVS volunteers, we have additionally also hosted eight volunteers as interns through other initiatives and projects. Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications and Projects Manager is in charge of the volunteering and internship programmes within EUSA and EUSA Institute. EVS and ESC opportunities of EUSA are possible because of the suppport from the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme and the National Agency in Slovenia Movit. The projects in EUSA are also supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU).
Next call for new one year EVS/ESC service, to start in September 2019, will be published in the beginning of next year. If you want to stay in touch with exact days, we advise and invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media (especially Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+).