ODUPA Gender Equality Meeting

ODUPA Gender Equality Meeting

At the 1st Pan-American University Sport Association (ODUPA) and Gender Equality Meeting held in San Jose, Costa Rica March 1-5, the Pan-American region opted for a new work plan on gender equity: ‘Working Together’. Presentations and analysis about gender equity was done during this activity by participants from nine countries - the United States, Guyana, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, Panama and Costa Rica.


‘All presentations analyzed our situation in the region to produce tools and concrete solutions, this is the first step of ‘Working Together’ but we hope to continue our work in the other continental organizations of FISU', commented Rosa Mendez, FISU Assessor and Chair of the Gender Equality Committee.



Gerardo Corrales, President of the Costa Rican University Sports Federation (FECUNDE) said that for this Central American country is very important to promote discussion of gender equality, as it becomes an opportunity to contribute in developing the participation of women. ‘We hope that the initiative Working Together permits the final inclusion of women in University Sport’, Corrales added.

The main topics developed in this meeting were:

• The gender social stereotypes on women's participation in sport;

• Inclusion of women in the Olympic movement;

• Road walked for the rights of women in Costa Rica;

• The Costa Rican University Sports Federation.(FECUNDE);

• The university sports movement (FISU) and gender equity;

• Gender equality in EUSA;

• Current state of gender equity in different countries: United States, Barbados, El Salvador, Curacao, Spain, Guyana, Mexico, Guatemala;

• Inclusion of women in extreme sports.


Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, EUSA Executive Member and Chairman of the EUSA Gender Equality Working Group presented the study, already published both in EUSA and FISU Magazines. At the same time, he presented new actions and measures that will be taken during the next few years by EUSA and the European National University Federations.

EUSA presentation by Mr Canibe Sanchez 


"It was a great experience where people from different countries and continents had the opportunity to share ideas & projects, all of them being really impressive," said Mr Canibe Sanchez.


During the last working session conclusions and recommendations were made as well as a guide of good practice on gender equality in university sport was approved and signed by the participants.

ODUPA women 


The ODUPA Gender Equity Network has been established and the proposal to hold the ‘ODUPA Gender Equity Meeting’ annually with host countries in rotation.

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