NUSAs get EUG2024 updates in EUSA online webinar

On March 27, 2024, the European University Sports Association hosted the online NUSA Coordination Webinar, with the main topic being the upcoming European Universities Games 2024 scheduled to take place in Debrecen - Miskolc, Hungary.
The webinar saw over 60 participants from 25 countries, representing different National University Sports Associations (NUSAs) all over Europe. The main objective of the webinar was to provide NUSAs with essential information to help them prepare for the EUG 2024.
Following an introduction by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek delivered a welcoming address, thanking all the participants and taking the opportunity to share a brief recap of the upcoming EUSA events. Mr Roczek expressed gladness for the possibility of regular NUSA meetings, which are a significant help for EUSA event organizers.
The first presentation was delivered by Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General, who presented the Activity Report from the Correspondence Executive Committee voting, which approved new Associated Members and annual awards, new Technical Delegates, and EUSA patronage events.
During his presentation, Mr Pecovnik emphasised the next Executive Committee Meeting, to be held in Aveiro in April, during which the European Universities Championships 2027 and European Universities Games 2028 will be attributed.
NUSA representatives also received information about upcoming events, such as Championships and the 25th EUSA Anniversary Gala, ongoing EUSA projects, and the possibility of becoming an EUSA Associate Member.
The second presentation was given by Mr Miha Zvan, EUSA Sports Manager, who warmly welcomed all participants and provided detailed information about EUG 2024, including locations, venues, inspection visits, schedules, Technical Delegates, and the ongoing status of preparations for the Games 2024.
Important next steps, were also presented to the attendees.
Next, Ms Aleksandra Andreeva, Sport Administrator, shared with the audience information regarding the registration process, emphasizing the great interest and great number of registered teams and individual athletes for the upcoming European Universities Games 2024. Important deadlines to follow, and a detailed explanation of every step in the process, was also shared. Additionally, Ms Andreeva shared that the registrations for certain sports are re-opened until the 29th of March.
The last speaker was Ms Eszter Gulyas, Sports Officer, who presented the program of the NUSA Coordination Meeting taking place between 21-24 of May, and announced the opening of the registration process in the beginning of April.
The webinar concluded with a Q&A session led by Mr Pecovnik, who answered questions from the audience and then summed up the webinar, expressing gratitude for everyone's presence.
For more information about the upcoming European Universities Games 2024, please visit