NUSA Coordination Meeting in Debrecen-Miskolc

Representatives of national university sports associations (NUSA) had the opportunity to visit the cities of Debrecen and Miskolc, Hungary, from 22-23 of May, to get acquainted with the ongoing preparations for the European Universities Games 2024. They were hosted by the Organizing Committee and EUSA Representatives.
The two-day program, which consisted of various activities, started on Wednesday in Miskolc, with the general meeting held in the meeting room of the Aurora Hotel.
The present attendees were welcomed by the speeches of HUSF Secretary General, Mr Peter Juhasz; OC Managing Director, Mr Szabolcs Biro; OC Project Leader Laszlo Vegh; EUSA Sports Manager Miha Zvan; and EUSA Consultant Natasa Jankovic.
All of the speakers expressed their convictions that EUG2024 will be an amazing event, with a great atmosphere, as well as pointing out the importance of teamwork and cooperation of the NUSA and University representatives in the preparation of the event - before and during the games - to ensure smooth running and big success.
The strategic importance of having two cities hosting the event was noted, together with the responsiveness of the OC staff. All the involved people in the organization proved to be very helpful and ready, as well as engaged and "in love" with the event itself.
The warm welcoming part was followed by a presentation about the staff members of the OC, which will be hosting more than 5000 participants, competing in 17 sports. Members of the OC displayed all the progress reports consisting of information about the accreditation system, registration information, sports venues and disciplines, transportation details, accommodation, catering and volunteering, and communication and marketing.
This first part of the working activities ended with a fruitful Q&A session, where the NUSA representatives had the chance to discuss their necessities and needs.
The second half of the day included visits to venues and facilities in the University of Miskolc campus, such as the dormitories, the catering area, places designated for the NUSA Offices and accreditation center as well as sporting venues such as the Generali Arena and the DVTK Arena, where the Games Opening Ceremony will take place.
On Thursday, May 23, the attendees along with the OC staff members, moved to the city of Debrecen, visiting also in this city all the venues where the competitions will take place, followed by visits to the catering locations, offices, and spaces designated for NUSA, the accreditation venue and the dormitories of Debrecen University. During these visits, the NUSA representatives had the chance to inspect and get more detailed information about the courts and competition areas.
As for the wrap-up of the day NUSA and EUSA representatives had the opportunity to share impressions and receive answers to their questions from the organizational committee of EUG2024 during a final Q&A session, aimed at NUSA to obtain more specifics about operational details to get the best out of this summer's two-week event.
NUSA Coordination Meeting marks an important checkpoint before the European Universities Games which will be held from 14-24 of July, in Debrecen-Miskolc, Hungary.
Representatives from The Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Germany, France, Portugal, Norway, and Türkiye, attended this NUSA Coordination Meeting, together with some representatives from next summer's FISU World Universities Games.
The European Universities Games in Debrecen-Miskolc are being organized under the license of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) by MEFS, University of Debrecen, University of Miskolc, City of Debrecn, City of Miskolc, in cooperation with several partners, including the National Event Agency, and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Please see for more information about the upcoming games.
ph. credits: EUG2024 Organising Committee