NSI celebrates 100th anniversary

NSI celebrates 100th anniversary

In December 2014, the Norwegian Association of University Sports (NSI) celebrates the 100th anniversary of its foundation. The anniversary was officially celebrated on November 1st with a seminar followed by a gala dinner. 


The seminar was opened by the Norwegian Minister of Culture and Church affairs Mr Thorhild Widvey, followed by the President of the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, Mr Børre Rognlien. NSI’s president Mrs Line Møllerop then welcomed all the 140 guests, including several former presidents. Mr Kjell Jortveit who attended the first Universiade in Turin in 1959, and Mr Lars Fredheim who attended the founding of the European University Sports Association in Vienna in 1999 were among them. Also former employees and board members were invited and attended the celebration together with current board members of member organizations.

Participants at the anniversary seminar


NSI Secretary General Mr Marius Johannessen held a lecture on university sports in Norway dating back to the founding of the first University Sports club in 1882, the founding of the association on December 5th 1913 and important events during its 100 years. He also presented the new logo for the association, which is based on the original logo used from 1913 to 2004.

NSI Secretary General Mr Marius Johannessen

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