Norway: Assembly and University Games

Norway: Assembly and University Games

Norwegian Association of University Sport (NSI) held its Annual General Assembly in Bergen, March 20 – 21, 2010. At the assembly, new provisional budget and action plan for 2010 - 2012 was decided. New board was elected, with Karl Olav Haaland as the President, Line Eskerud as the Vice-Presicent and Geir Andre Dalhus, Martin Myrlund, Thor-Andre Soyland, Sindre Dueland and Karina Sævareid as Members, wit Maria Rubach as deputy member. The board decided to support participation of 8 teams at the European Universities Championships.



The assembly also looked at the outcomes of the Norwegian University Games, held between February 24 and 27, hosted by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNUI) in Trondheim. At the Norwegian University Games Studentlekene (SL2010) more than 1800 students participated in 18 different sports. The sport event was a great success, combining traditional sports such as Futsal, Volleyball, Cross country and Handball with new ones, like Simulator Golf.


Games: Start Cross Country

The event had a special opening ceremony with a torchlight procession and dancing show. The participation of students increased almost two-fold from last year. In the end, a closing ceremony was organised in the evening in one of the University buildings, where all the students gathered. During the games, also official representatives from Finland, Estonia and Germany were present as guests.

Games: Slalom competition

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