Next application deadline for EVS in EUSA

Next application deadline for EVS in EUSA

European University Sports Association (EUSA) announces the deadline for application for the next round of EVS service within our organisation. The foreseen service in EUSA is one year (12 months); the next available term is from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014. Deadline to apply is January 20, 2013.


EUSA is accredited as a hosting, sending and coordinating organisation for European Voluntary Service (EVS) programme by the European Commission's Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

Youth in Action

EVS provides young Europeans with the unique chance to express their personal commitment through unpaid and full-time voluntary activities in a foreign country. In this way, it seeks to develop solidarity, mutual understanding and tolerance among young people, thus contributing to reinforcing social cohesion in the European Union and to promoting young people's active citizenship.


Open to young people aged 18 to 30, EVS is a true learning service. Beyond benefiting the local communities and organisations, young volunteers can develop new skills by participating in voluntary activities, improving their personal, educational and professional development. Volunteers can benefit from specific training throughout the activity and agree on their expected learning outcomes, processes and methods in advance. Their learning experience is formally recognised through a Youthpass.


Participation is free for the volunteers, who also get board and lodging, insurance cover and a small allowance for the duration of the project. A successful EVS project requires close co-operation among at least three key players: a sending organisation, a host organisation and the volunteer. Please note that EVS does not mean a free vacation but an internship in a way, with emphasis on learning experiences.


Please see our EVS section among our Projects for more information and online questionnaire the interested individuals should fill out within the announced deadline.

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