Newsletter 03/09 published

Newsletter 03/09 published
Issue 3/2009 of our Newsletter has been published, and can be downloaded from our site. Our subscribers automatically receive the latest issue by email. Subscribe now - it's free!

European University Sports 3/2009

From the content:

    * EUSA Honorary President passed away
    * Cooperation with ENAS and ENGSO
    * EUSA Symposium: Invitation
    * EUSA Convention: Announcement
    * General Assembly: Information
- News from EUSA Member Federations
    * RUS: Reception for students by Mr. Medvedev
    * CYP: New President CUSF

- FISU News
    * Summer Universiade Belgrade 2009
    * FISU General Assembly

- European Universities Championships
    * EUC Handball: results
    * EUC Basketball: medallists
    * EUC Badminton: final report
    * EUC Futsal: fist place to Spain
    * EUC Karate: results
    * EUC Football: overview
    * EUC Table Tennis: winners
    * EUC Tennis: medallists
    * EUC Beach Volleyball: results
    * EUC Program 2009
    * EUSA Events 2011: deadline

- Other Events

    * Friendship Games: report

- Event Calendar

The next edition of the EUSA Newsletter will be published on December 1, 2009.


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