Newsletter 02/06 published

Newsletter 02/06 published
Issue 2/2006 of our Newsletter has been published, and can be downloaded from our site. Our subscribers automatically receive the latest issue by email. Subscribe now - it's free! Content:

   - EUSA News
          * EUSA presented its activities at the FISU Forum
          * EUSA STC Volunteer Training Programme
          * Next EUSA Meetings
          * Deadlines
   - News from EUSA member federations
          * AUT (Austrian International University Ski Championships)
          * CRO (General Assembly)
          * GBR (new BUSA office)
          * NOR (new board)
          * SLO (meeting with rectors)
          * SWE (Studentiade)
   - FISU News
   - European University Championships 2006
           * Programme, News, Contacts...
   - Event Calendar
          * World University Championships
          * European University Championships
          * Other University Sports Events in Europe

Download EUSA Newsletter 2/2006
(PDF format, 594kb)

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