News from FADU

News from FADU

More than 150 guests attended the Casino de Espinho on an evening to celebrate university sports. The annual Gala gathered athletes and coaches, managers and other agents of various sports, as well as directors that support and partner FADU in developing university sport. The height of the evening was the attribution of the “Best of the Year” sport awards. Gabriel Oliveira won the “Coach” award for having led the University of Minho handball team to the national title and silver medal in the European Universities Championship. This Handball team also won the “Best Team” award.

The double gold Universiade medal winner and national university cross-country champion Sara Moreira (Polytechnic Institute of Porto) was selected as “Best Female Athlete”. Adriano Paço (University of Porto/AEFADEUP) was selected as “Best Male Athlete” after concluding yet another memorable season – national university champion in volleyball and beach-volleyball and also 8th and 7th placed at the respective EUC’s.


Various other athletes were distinguished at the Gala for having achieved distinguished results at international events – Nélson Évora, Sónia Tavares (Athletics) and Ana Cachola (Judo), all medal winners at the Summer Universiade in Belgrade.

The student-athletes that achieved results of excellence at European Universities Championship were also mentioned – Michalina Valaskova (Golf, AAUM), José Fernandes (Taekwondo, AAUM), Paulo Gonçalves (Karate, AAUM) and the IPP Karate team, AAUM male Handball team and AAC male Rugby Sevens team.

Two “Prestige Awards” were presented to Pedro Dias (former FADU president and member of FISU since 1997) and to the Portuguese Athletics Federation, both for the invaluable support and collaboration with FADU at national and international levels.

On the 2nd October 2009 in Porto, elections for the new governing body of FADU for the 2009/10 term were held. One list presented itself having been elected unanimously meaning current president Luis Andre Couto will remain in office. This was the last time this election system was used due to the changes in FADU’s statutes.


The new board took office on the 19th October 2009, at a ceremony held in Lisbon gathering some of the highest national governmental and sporting bodies. The re-elected president reviewed the achievements of the out-going board and underlined the difficulties ahead despite the wish to achieve the best for FADU and its student-athletes at national and international competitions.


The newly elected board is formed by Luís André Couto (President), Edgar Romão, Bruno Barracosa, Estêvão Cordovil and Rafael Ferreira (Board).

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