New Secretary General in Germany

New Secretary General in Germany

The German University Sports Federation (ADH) has a new Secretary General. Since December 3rd Mr Paul Wedeleit is leading the ADH head office in Dieburg.


Before joining the ADH, Mr Wedeleit led the Office of the Standing Committee of Sports Ministers of the Federal States of Germany. By this, he was involved in a wide range of issues in sports and is perfectly familiar with the principles and procedures of political and governmental decision making and administration processes. 


The 29-year-old political scientist and graduate of MBA sport management studies is characterized by his extensive voluntary work in the field of sports. In the last nine years Mr Wedeleit has given direction to the development and social responsibility of the German sport in his function as chairmen of the Thuringian Sports-Youth Association and member of the board of the Thuringian Sports Confederation. Further as a spokesman he represented  all 16 federal sports youth associations in the board of the German Sports Youth.


"We are convinced that Paul Wedeleit is highly qualified for his new function as ADH Secretary General and that he has the skills and spirit to promote and further develop the idea of university sports in general and the German University Sports Federation. We wish him all the best for his new job and welcome him warmly in the ADH," said Mr Roland Joachim, member of the board.


"I am looking forward to my new tasks and challenges and hope for faithful and constructive teamwork with the staff of the ADH member universities, committee members, the staff and our national and international partners", explained Paul Wedeleit after his first day in Dieburg.

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