New President of FF Sport U in France

New President of FF Sport U in France

The 34th (electoral) General Assembly of the French University Sports Federation (FF Sport U) took place on Saturday April 13 in the premises of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee in Paris. On a proposal of the new Executive Committee, the assembly unanimously elected prof. Jean-François Sautereau as the new President of the federation.

New FF Sport U President Mr Sautereau


A former high-level athlete, Mr Sautereau was the President of the Paul Sabatier University from 2002 to 2008, the President of the Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées University Network from 2005 to 2008 and the Dean of the Regional Conference of University Rectors from 2005 to 2008, and he co-founded PRES - the Research and Higher Education Centre at the University of Toulouse in 2007. A member of the Executive Committee of the French university sports federation since 1997, Jean-François Sautereau has been a member of its Steering Committee from 2000 to 2008 and since 2010, as well as the President of the Toulouse - Midi Pyrénées Regional University Sports Committee since 1991. 

Awards presented at the Assembly


Mr Sautereau succeeded prof. José Savoye as the President of the FF Sport U. After serving two terms as President (2004-2012), Mr Savoye, also the Executive Committee Member of the European University Sports Association, was re-elected in the FF Sport U Executive Committee, where he will serve as Vice-President in charge of international affairs.

Meeting of the delegates

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