New organisation for higher education sport in the UK

New organisation for higher education sport in the UK
On Thursday 18 January 2007 a second Joint Symposium between British Universities Sports Association (BUSA) and University and College Sport (UCS) members was held at Coventry University to consider the establishment of a new single body for Higher Education (HE) Sport in the UK. Over the past three years an Options Appraisal Group has been tasked by the organisations' Executives to consider the practical and political implications of the establishment of a singular body for HE Sport.

This Group, whose membership included both student and staff members of BUSA and UCS, conducted a detailed process of consultation with members, partner organisations including key sporting organisations and Government. A recommendation was made to the Symposium that the membership of both bodies formally supports the establishment of one new organisation for university sport. This body would reflect the very broad remit of both current organisations and seek to raise the profile, impact and investment in University sport in the UK. During the symposium a wide ranging discussion was held and a number of key additional areas of work were identified. The membership asked for much greater clarity over the role of FE in the new organisation, identified the need for a detailed financial plan to be produced and articulate the potential charges to members. Notwithstanding these significant issues a referendum of both memberships showed an overwhelming level of support for the proposal with just 8 votes against.

The Options Appraisal Group will now be greatly expanded to incorporate external advice and the contribution of a wider cohort of members to enable the significant volume of work required. The Group have been charged initially with developing a detailed project plan to move this development forward and a further report will be issued as soon as this scoping exercise has been completed. Phil Attwell Chair of BUSA said, "we are delighted with the almost unanimous level of support for the recommendations of the Options Appraisal Group and this is no doubt the result of hard work from our Student Directors. However, there is much to do and the next step will be for the Executives of both organisations to consider the implications of this vote of confidence and the challenges ahead."

BUSA is the governing body of university sport, running national competitions in 49 sports from Athletics to Windsurfing, and co-ordinating the Great Britain representative teams for the World University Games and World University Championships. BUSA Sporting programme draws on 1.4 million students with over 3,500 teams engaged in BUSA competition on a typical sporting day. With over 600 leagues, it is the biggest such sporting programme in Europe. Fixtures and results from all BUSA competitions can be accessed at

UCS is the national association for a range of professionals working in the delivery of sport in Higher and Further Education in the UK and Republic and Ireland. UCS members provide, manage and develop sport and active lifestyle opportunities for all students from participation to performance. For further details visit

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