New NUSA President in Finland

New NUSA President in Finland

Finnish Student Sports Federation's (OLL) general assembly has elected Ms Kaisa Myllylä as the President 2010.

26-year-old Kaisa Myllylä, B.Soc. Sc, concentration journalism, is the new President of the Federation. She is the Chairperson of the Tampere University Student Union for 2009. She has worked as a news reporter in several Finnish newspapers, specializing in domestic issues and sports journalism. This year, she has also chaired the Tampere student unions' communal politics working group.

Kaisa MyllylaMyllylä herself has many years of history of practising synchronized skating.

With Myllylä were chosen Mr Akseli Hakala from Turku, Ms Sofi Weckman (Espoo) and Mr Janne Pakarinen (Helsinki), respectively. The newly elected board has chosen Mr Akseli Hakala as vice-president.

I'm obviously very enthusiastic about my nomination and looking forward to working next year with our new executive board. Now, it's about time to start working with universities to implement the (Finnish) parliament's clausules on university sports services, Myllylä comments.

Finnish Parliament gave a clause when the Universities Act was renewed this summer. It obliges the government to monitor how student sports services are provided for higher education students. The new Universities Act enters into force 1.1.2010.

In the federation's organisational strategy 2010-15, Finnish Student
Sports Federation GA aims for equal sports facilities for all higher
education students in Finnish universities.

Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is a national organisation advocating, supporting and promoting the interests of students' sports and physical activities. OLL also sends Finnish elite athletes to World University Championships and Universiades.

There are 270 000 university students in Finland in Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences. The Sports Federation aims to provide them all with opportunities for various physical activities. OLL cooperates with public administration, students' unions, sports secretaries and sport centres, Finnish Student Health Service, sports organisations and many others. OLL is one of the biggest sports federations and the largest student organisation (by member count) in Finland.

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