New identity of FADU

New identity of FADU

Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sport - FADU unveiled its new visual identity.

For more than 20 years FADU Portugal gained new experiences and areas of expertise and they decided to change the way they communicate with their stakeholders.

New website design and business cards

According to the President of FADU, Mr Bruno Barracosa: "This change had as main goals to adapt the message and impact that our image brings to people to the values and ideals we promote in our activity: Being Dynamic, Being Professional, Having Multi-sports, Promoting Competition and Being young. This new and renewed concept besides being more versatile, will allow FADU Portugal to adopt new communication strategies that will strengthen our relationship with our partners and our proximity to students."


The new visual identity will be implemented gradually and should be concluded by the end of September.

For more information, please see

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