New FADU Board takes office

New FADU Board takes office

On October 27th, the new board of FADU – Portuguese university sport federation - took office, and the team led by Bruno Barracosa, re-elected President, signed on for two years.
More than 50 guests were present to witness this moment. Among the invited persons were Andr Pardal and Paulo Marcolino, Deputies of the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, João Roquette, President of the University Stadium of Lisbon and Carlos Marques, representing the Portuguese Sports Confederation, that together with the Chairman of the General Assembly, Miguel Portugal, participated at the table of honour.

New FADU Board

After all the members of the board have taken over, Andr Pardal and João Roquette made a short speech, wishing all the best for the continuity of the project started a year ago by the same board and showed the opening of both the entities to the needs of the federation.

Mr Pardal addressing the audience
The President of FADU took this opportunity to speak about last year developments and projects for the future of the federation: issues with youth participation in sports and adoption of healthy lifestyles, developments and achievements in the national and international competitions, the relationship with Higher Education entities, among other subjects.

FADU President Bruno Barracosa


He mentioned that the society is changing and that the institutions are obliged to follow it up. Mr Barracosa finished his speech by saying that "FADU presents itself today with a new face but with more commitment than ever, with the inherent irreverence characteristic of the young and the will for change and innovation that define an institution that wants to be part of the XXI century society."

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