New FADU Board 2015-2017 starts their mandate

New FADU Board 2015-2017 starts their mandate

The inauguration ceremony at the start of the mandate of the new board of Portuguese University Sport Federation (FADU), led by the new President Mr Daniel Monteiro, took place on October 13, 2015, in Lisbon.

More than hundred guests witnessed this moment, attended by various entities, Portuguese federations and students unions’ representatives, linked to sport, higher education and youth, such as the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Emídio Guerreiro. Mr Guerreiro gave a short speech remembering the great projects conducted by the partnership between the Government and FADU, such as the European Universities Games 2018, in Coimbra, and demonstrating "good expectations and confidence in the work to be developed by the new board".

Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Emídio Guerreiro, and the former Chariman of the General Assembly, Paulo Figueira

The outgoing president, Ms Filipa Godinho, wished success to the new team that has now the mission to lead sports in Portuguese Higher Education. She also took the opportunity to leave many thanks to all who during the past two years "helped to make it possible to achieve the goals, overcoming challenges and always raise FADU".

Daniel Monteiro, new FADU President

The new President Daniel Monteiro in his speech talks about the main goals of his board. One of them is to increase the connection between university sports and Paralympic sports, through the recognition of Jorge Pina – Portuguese Paralympic athlete – as the Ambassador of the University Paralympic Sports. He also reinforced the need of the implementation of measures that help the conciliation between studies and sports career. “There have to exist incentives for the creation of dual careers, which combine sport and academic dimension, a real integrated strategy for national sport still not exist", Monteiro stated.

New FADU Board 2015-2017

The new FADU governing bodies were elected on September 30, for a term of two years (2015-2017). Paulo Santos assumed the position of treasurer and Carlos Teixeira, Filipa Braz da Silva, João Nascimento, Nuno Novais, Marianna Cardoso, Pedro Sereno and Sandra Vaz are now the new FADU Vice Presidents. Carlos Videira assumed the position of Chairman of the General Assembly.

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