New FADU Board

New FADU Board

More than hundred guests witness the moment of the Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sport (FADU) getting new Board, with New President – Ms Filipa Godinho. Among the guests were several national official entities, sport federations, universities and student’s union representatives, include the highest representatives, the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Mr Emídio Guerreiro, the Secretary of State Assistant for Higher Education, Mr Ricardo Morgado, and the Executive Committee member of EUSA, Mr Fernando Parente.


Mr Guerreiro gave a short speech congratulating the route taken by the outgoing President, Bruno Barracosa, and demonstrating "good expectations and confidence in the work to be developed by the new board". Mr Barracosa also said a few words in the ceremony, congratulating the work of his team for the Portuguese University Sport “which is now a credible and affordable tool for Portuguese university students”.

State Secretary

The new President, Ms Godinho, thanked Mr Barracosa for the opportunity that was given to her two years ago, when she was elected FADU Vice President. "This whole trip was undoubtedly very important because now I have the ability, the courage and the confidence that this project deserves," assured the new president.

Former FADU President Mr Barracosa


During her speech, Ms Godinho showed the main difficulties and barriers which FADU has to overpass and recalled the capital opportunities that this institution has. “This is a commitment we made with the ambition to grasp the challenges and overcome the obstacles to achieve the best for university sport in Portugal," concluded the new FADU President.

New and Former FADU Presidents at the Gala

Ms Godinho and the new governing bodies were elected on December 12th, for a term of two years. Mr Hugo Carvalho assumes the position of Treasurer and Vanda Guerra, Paulo Neto, Pedro Sanches, André Fernandes and Miguel Ferreira are now the new FADU Vice Presidents. Mr Barracosa, FADU President between 2011 and 2013, assumes the position of Chairman of the General Assembly, substituting the place of the current one, Mr Miguel Portugal.

FADU Board

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