New EUSA on-line features

New EUSA on-line features

EUSA Online communication has been updated with new Facebook goodies, FAQ section at EUSA website and other improvements.


As a 21st century organisation, the European University Sport Association (EUSA) is making the most of all on-line tools available to communicate. Some new features implemented by the EUSA to promote University Sport and its ideals all over the on-line Europe are worth noticing.


Facebook page, the students’ link
EUSA on Facebook

The recently launched EUSA Facebook page ( has gone one step further. All pictures from previous years’ championships are now available on this page. Making these moments of action, emotion, cooperation and joy available to every student seemed to be the best way to keep the memory of the EUSA alive to all.


We invite you to become a “fan” of the EUSA in one click. By becoming our fans, you will be able to see, share, tag people and comment all photo albums, from the oldest one (2002 European University Championships) to the latest ones (2010 European Universities Championships).


You are very welcome to contact the EUSA in case you possess pictures from missing championships, we will be delighted to publish them!


Last but not least, being a Facebook fan of the EUSA is the best way to make sure you don’t miss any important news and deadlines since all website’s articles and news are also advertised on Facebook! By the way, you will also find EUSA on Twitter!


New website features

Our established website is still developing to ensure every EUSA member, every student, every person with a keen interest in University Sport can find his way through and can find the latest, up-to-date interesting information. Following this goal, three main new features on the website can be noticed apart from the already established ones.


First one is the “Projects” section ( which is designed to give a wider visibility to EUSA projects besides the well established European Universities Championships program and the European Universities Games.


Second is the “Members” section ( it has been recently updated and you will now find all up-to-date, relevant information regarding the 42 EUSA members federations.


Lastly and perhaps most importantly is the newest section on the EUSA website: the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section ( This section is designed to help out any person who might have any interest in EUSA activities and University Sport.


We have tried to explain the process of organising events, registering for events, bidding for the organisation of events and understanding the  functioning for students, championships’ organisers, national federations and other interested parties.


If you still have some unanswered questions, we will be happy to add new parts to this section as its chief aim is to respond to concrete questions from our members and partners!

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