New EUSA Offices

New EUSA Offices

We are happy to inform you that the European University Sports Association (EUSA) has successfully acquired new premises, and moved its office to a new location in the city centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia.


EUSA Office building (right)

The offices, which have been renovated and fully equipped, are located in the 1st floor of a civic house downtown Ljubljana, located in the Government District. Among buildings in direct proximity are the Parliament, University of Ljubljana, City Hall, Presidential and Governmental buildings, several embassies, banks, hotels, etc.


Cityscape of Ljubljana - EUSA Office location marked

EUSA, whose legal seat is in Switzerland, had its office so far hosted by the University of Ljubljana and the Slovenian University Sports Association. With the acquisition of its independent facilities, we got the required office space. We are convinced that we will be able to offer even stronger support to our members, organisers of EUSA events and other partners, and actively contribute to the development of the university sport within and outside Europe.


EUSA Office Staff: Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General (center), Danijela Babic, Office Assistant (left), Andrej Pisl, Communication Manager (right)

The new EUSA Office will be officially opened in September 2010. While the contact email addresses and contact mobile numbers remain the same, we would like to draw your attention to the new office phone and fax numbers, as well as the new address. We kindly ask you to update your contacts as soon as possible.

European University Sports Association (EUSA)
Tomšičeva ulica 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel: +386 1 256 0056
email: office( at-no-spam )


For individual contact details, please see Contacts.

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